reede, 2. august 2024

Pärlite nutmise päev

 Täna juhtus väga enneolematu asi: muusikat kuulates tekkis pähe ingliskeelne lugu. Aprillikuust saadik olen eelistanud vana progerokki, ja selle 1960-70te klisheede peale tuligi selline asjake, millel on vormi rohkem kui sisu. Kui krundiks alla kuulata Rainbow-nimelise bändi laulu "Tarot Woman", siis on õhustik loodud ja muinasjutt hakab kuju võtma. Aga palun:

Today is just a day for girls

Everything says (it to me)

Just regular day with no pearls

No diamonds, but fears

No pearls, no,no

No diamonds, but fears

Today is gray as usual

Every card says (it to me)

There´s regular man is coming for all

Good omens and words

For all the pearls

All diamonds and pearls

Today is good to tell a lies

Everything lies (to me)

But all my words are real pearls

And tears become to diamonds

I must to feel fear

I have to cry

Him diamonds and pearls

(He´s not a keeper

He´s stomper and sweeper

He´s coming for more

But my cards never aware)

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